Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I have one amazing kid!!

I just need to take a few moments and tell everyone about Max and how awesome he is dealing with all this. And, I'll apologize now, I'm not nearly as coherent as most at 2:00 am. Max has matured a great deal in the last week, I've seen his confidence grow by leaps and bounds. He is happy to step up and try to resolve disagreements with friends (this happens often because we are babysitting 4-5 kids each week). He has this new sense of inner peace - things don't fluster him as easily, he volunteers to help out around the house and his anxiety has visibly decreased. We are so proud of him-HE IS AWESOME!!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Pirate name

Okay, my pirate name is ...

Bloody Ethel Bonney

Pretty rockin' if you ask me.

Recent loss in our family

We are saddened by the loss of our puppy, Nipper. She was hit by a car Tuesday, June 17 and died at the scene of the accident. She has been laid to rest in Big Cottonwood Canyon near Liz's family cabin. She was a good puppy, even when she was driving us crazy! We loved her and will miss her greatly.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Reminder that Nipper was cute at one time...

Okay, for the benefit of my family, here is a picture of Max at Halloween with his puppy Nipper!
Yes, he finally got his puppy! The next picture is from the day he got her.
This is also Max and Grandpa on the swings in Liberty Park following Max's first "art show" (which was very impressive for a then seven year old). And one last picture of my handsome boy on his baptism day! By the way, Nipper is not that cute anymore, she is more of mutt, but we love her. Wish we could say the same for cat.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Here are some pictures from Max's baptism and such. The two little girls are our backyard neighbors - they are like Max's little sisters.

Buckling under peer pressure

Okay, I said I didn't have the time to maintain a blog, but I'll give it a whirl. What can I say, I'm a follower. Things here are great, working a lot, but actually enjoying my job for a change.